Bryce Canyon National Park - Utah

Page Three

  I get the feeling Will is only interested in a quick look. By now we have been to quite a few of the overlooks and have been taking the helmets off and putting them back on over and over again. My sunburned forehead is getting a bit tender from the repetition. I have learned that a cap is a good idea at these altitudes if your are follically challenged. I guess the thinner atmosphere does not block as much of the UV rays as the denser atmosphere at lower altitudes.

  Black Birch Canyon

  For some reason the texture of this picture really appeals to me. Maybe it is because the tops of some of these forming spires resemble the little chocolate Hershey's Kisses candies? The loose rock slope around the spires is interesting. Occasionally, small chipmunks scamper across the surface and start small rock slides that turn into small avalanches. The rocks tumble and careen until they either hit something on the way down and stop or they reach the bottom. With the rocks being so loose, it amazes me that any of them are still here. How is it that the entire hill side has not slid into the valley below eons past?

  Either the world is leaning or I am. With the force of the breeze up here, it is probably me. Or could it be that I have captured the tilting of the Earth on its' axis? ;-)