Saturn Trim Clips For The VFR800 Fairings
October 2000, I made what might at first seem like a minor modification. The front lower fairings have small rivet pins that help hold parts in place. Officially, they are called Trim Clips.
Every time I change the oil, I have to remove at least four of them, reset them, and reinsert them in the proper holes. This is not hard to do really, but it seems that the mechanics at the dealerships where I have taken the bike for servicing have a real hard time not breaking them. And then of course they deny it and don't want to replace them. Thanks to a fellow lister from the VFR mailing list, I found out about clips made by the Saturn car company that will fit the holes on the VFR and they are much more durable than the Honda clips. Honda wants nearly $4 per clip!!! The Saturn clips come in a bag of ten for about $2. They fit a hair snug, but that is just fine. No drilling or modification of the fairings is required.