Speed Bleeder Brake Caliper Bleed Screws
If you have ever tried bleeding the brakes on a motorcycle by yourself,
then you know how frustrating it can be. Trying to loosen and tighten the bleeder screws
while simultaneously operating the brake or hydraulic clutch lever makes you wish you
were an octopus. Enter the Speed Bleeders.
These little bleeder screws have a tiny one way valve inside them. Their simplicity is
marvelous. Once you replace the existing bleeder screws, bleeding the brakes is a breeze.
The VFR 800 has linked brakes and a hydraulic clutch. This means there are
eight bleeding points in the system, one for the clutch and seven for the brakes. My
total cost is about $60. Installing them is a snap! I unscrew the existing bleeder screws
and remove them one at a time. Immediately after unscrewing the old screw, I screw in one
of the speed bleeders. Very little brake fluid comes out of the system at each point. The
hardest ones to reach are the screws on the rear tire brake.
Once the screws are in place, I start with the front brake and begin
bleeding each point. I simply unscrew the bleeder about 1/4 turn to allow fluid to flow
out when the brake lever is pumped. I don't have to worry about air being sucked back
into the system because the one way valve prevents that from happening. So I simply pump
the brakes and keep the fluid reservoir topped off. Eventually, the air in the line quits
coming out and I tighten the screw and move to the next one. It takes me all of about ten
minutes to bleed all of the brakes and the clutch. SWEET!! I save the rubber caps from
the original screws and put them on the end of the new bleeder screws.
Borrowed from
My brakes had been soft since I bought the bike because the dealer did a
slipshod job of bleeding them when I purchased the bike. The same is true of the clutch.
I was about to leave on a 3500 mile trip on the bike and got the bleeders a few days
before departure. I was thrilled that they were so easy to install and use. It made a
huge difference in the feel of the brakes. I recommend these to every rider I know
without reservation.