The Parking Lot at the Inn, Saturday Evening

  And here's the fearless and not quite lost, Steve Duncan, front and center actually looking at the camera. That would be Mark "Big Dawg" Hanke far right.

  Paul and Dee Steinbach on the left, Mark far right again. Don't know anyone else's name ;-)

  These guys are checking out an old Bonneville, whoopie... I am more interested in the awesome looking Daytona! I love this bike in this color and body style. The new angualr body style on the 2001's leaves me kind of cold, like so many of the current crop of new bikes. Everybody wants to look like an F-117 Stealth Fighter for some goofy reason. Ugghh.

  Bruce "Top Dawg" and Chris Spencer are the owners of the beautiful Aprilia Mille R that you may have seen earlier in the trip report. They also have a huge loud Yamaha Royal Star ;-)