The Cheoah Reservoir Dam

  Local rumor has it that this is the dam used in the filming of the movie "The Fugitive" with Harrison Ford. Apparently it had a little image editing done to it prior to its appearance in the movie because here you can see that there are no holes like the one that the fugitive leaps out of, also the dam is no where near as high as they make it look in the movie. I guess that is why they call it movie magic...

  It sometimes amazes me where the authorities have to put signs and why. Would you go swimming right here? You can visibly see the surface of the water churning from the currents coming out of the powerhouse.

  This dam is actually on the Little Tennessee River. There are dams just like this one all up and down the river. I believe all of them are power generating dams operated by the Tennessee River Valley Authority and built during the New Deal era. Of course I'm not a history major and could be totally wrong here.